Sacred Union Ceremony
Sacred Union is the experience of feeling in harmony with yourself, with others and with the universe. It brings a deep sense of connection and intimacy with everything around you and inside you. Everything in existence is a perfect blend of the masculine and a feminine principle – but these two sides of our nature have become separated, and our true feelings and lives are divorced. This ceremony reunites them, and this inner harmony brings love, joy and fulfillment to our relationships. We embrace the flow of life, and enjoy the ride.
We speak and dream about the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, about Unconditional Love and Deep Connection-No-Matter-What. We even do meditations and practices to own this consciousness. But… it seems not always so easy to truly share ourselves, to meet our longings and stand in unity. It calls upon both of us, men and women, to show ourselves vulnerably and stand next to each other, supporting each other. No matter what.
It is high time to get together. Because in our togetherness as men and women, in the Sacred Union of Masculine and Feminine, the essence of Life is represented. The Sun and the Moon, Yin and Yang, Giving and Receiving, the oppositions that can make the other so attractive, Duality in Unity. So I invite all women and all men who long for that Sacred Union to dive deeply into these male/female dynamics together. Because let’s face it:
Men and Women equal. But different.
Of course, we all have a divine essence. And every person, male and female, has feminine and masculine energies and qualities. But somehow we came in different bodies, with a lot of different patterns and behavior – if not inborn, then learned in this life. And how we deal with these differences is largely inspired by culture and upbringing.
“Men want to solve problems, they are focused on the result. Women want to tell about their problems, without men trying to ‘fix’ it for them. They want to be heard and seen.” And: “Men want a women to be able to cooperate firmly if work needs to be done and to be a Goddess is in bed. Women want their tough man to be a rock in the surf, but also sensitive and understanding everything.” Recognizable clichés, when our differences work in a confrontational, irritating and removing way. It can cause irritation and incomprehension, because we don’t understand each other. But once we honor that we are complementary to each other in many areas, it can also create beautiful surprises, valuable addition and a sense of Unity that is much greater than ourselves.
Together we can get into an energy field that transcends everything!
In these Sacred Union ceremonies we will investigate together, to clear up the misconceptions between men and women, and heal the collective pain, so that the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine can shine in our hearts again. We will do meditations, rituals and sharings. From a respectful Sacred Space we will question each other, view, bombard, thank and above all honor each other. Individually and collectively. To be able to see the other gender and every individual person for who he/she really is. To free us collectively from all bullshit on male/female issues and get to know ourselves and each other better, fully honoring our male resp. female powers and respect the differences.
Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth… Love is as love does. Love is an act of will – namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.
Diving deeper
There is also a Sacred Union Retreat. More information you can find here
For dates, check the agenda of Deva Yama