Diving into la Memoria…
4 days ceremony retreat for women, diving deep into the intimacy of sisterhood, restoring our relationship with nature and opening the field of La Memoria… the collective field of ancient memories.

Four days of ceremonies, nature, music, rituals, singing… learning to work with ‘niwe’ (energy) and opening up to the ancient wisdom in and around us. Opening for all that wants to be felt, honored, recognized and lived, loved and shared, among each other and with all of life around us!
No more acting small… it is time to fully shine and transform everything that is in between ourselves and our light. It will be like we are supporting each other to birth our True Selves, beyond our limiting beliefs, disparaging stories, traumatized cell memory and the murky opinions of others… diving deeply into the core of Who we really are and Why we are Here. Now.

The retreat contains:
♥ Guided Meditations
♥ Intimate Healing Rituals
♥ Shamanic Rituals
♥ Flower Rituals
♥ Plant Medicine Ceremonies (medicinal cacao, tobacco, rapé, blue lotus, mimosa, etc.)
♥ Sacred Sisterhood Sharing Circles
♥ Lots of Singing, Music

For Whom? 
Are you willing to do the personal work that it involves? To get all the stories that your ego created and keeps telling you out of the way, and start trusting in things that can’t always be seen but can be clearly felt? Trust that even though your mind might not have a clue where you’re going, your heart and Soul do?

This retreat is for women who are READY to step back into their power and realign themselves with their life’s purpose, (re)awakening the essence of their being and the deepest values by which they chose live,reclaiming the vibrant power of their flow, creativity, life force, healing powers and authentic gifts, connecing to a higher source of intelligence and identifying with the Highest version of themselves.

Is this YOU?

Let’s be clear:
This retreat about Remembrance is not about our personal, human memories, but that vast field of Consciousness where our Ancestral Memories and Collective Wisdom resides, since the beginning of times. Not only our human consciousness, but the Consciousness of All Beings… animals, plants, stones… the moon, stars… That collective field of Wisdom that we can tap into, if we manage to tame our little minds and 3D view of our daily reality.

So, this is NOT a retreat to process your deepest childhood traumas and life wounds. Of course, anything that comes up in the process will be welcomed, but this retreat is for those that are ready to take the responsibility for our personal Human and Cosmic Task, making offerings so as to receive, honoring the universal law of reciprocity.

Please contact us in case of any questions.

DevaYama ♡


Zó mooi, puur, helend, diepgaand, verbindend en liefdevol… dat wat Yama de wereld in brengt (zichzelf en dit diepe transformerende en verdiepende werk). Ik kan een retreat bij Yama uit de grond van m’n hart & bekken aanraden. – Marleen Bosch