To understand that plants as capable of communicating with us, is a big leap for many of us. But for the ones who feel that the natural world is highly aware, intelligent, ultimately enchanted, infinitely helpful and ready to teach us (if approached with respect), there is now an opportunity to do the magical work with plant medicines that we normally do in the jungle, in the Netherlands. Diving deep into the communication with plant spirits.
During this 12-days ‘Dieta’ you will work with the Madre (jungle medicine) and other plant spirit teachers (either from the jungle or from our own soil, according to your own preference). The special structure of a plant medicine dieta will support you into communion with certain ’teacher plants’, finding your ways to relate with them and learn from them.
A ‘dieta’ (plant spirit diet) is an old indigenous structure, based on what the ancient curanderos (shamans, healers) did to heal their community members of disease. The strict food diet and doing certain plant medicine ceremonies, supports to reach an altered state of consciousness, which creates the conditions by which we can best relate to the plant spirits, permitting the plant spirits to heal, instruct, and provide specific knowledge.
1. It purifies our body, and stimulates our body’s innate ability to self-heal.
2. It modifies states of higher consciousness.
3. It allows us to more easily deal with the strong emetic, cathartic, and visionary effects commonly associated with the sacred plants.
After setting intentions, you will tune in with Yama what plant you will devote yourself to. This plant medicine you will drink once or twice a day, while keeping a strict food diet.
To deepen the process, there will be three ceremonies with the Madre Medicine. These ceremonies will be guided with live icaro’s (chants that call upon the plant spirits), saiti’s and other medicine music). Furhtermore, there will be plant baths, teachings and making music together. As well as a lot of time for your own practice, meditation and contemplation with the plant medicines.
All in all, this might be a highly transformative experience. The resulting changes need to be carefully protected, as rearrangements in body-biochemistries and identity-patterns leave us for a time sensitive and vulnerable. It is suggested to plan some integration time, after the dieta.
There is an opportunity to stay 3 days longer, during a gathering of the Kolibrí Heart Medicine Tribe.
This is for people who feel ready to dive deep with us in the Plant Medicine Space; for those who want to know more about communicating with Plant Spirits; for those who truly want to wake up and raise their consciousness to a next level; for those who feel deeply committed to do their own work with the Sacred Medicines; for those who resonate with the fact that only 10% of what happens in the ceremonies is the work of the Medicine, 90% is your work.
You do NOT need any experience with plant medicines, although it is recommended to understand the deep journey you are about to embark on.
There will be an intake procedure to find out if this work fits you and if there are no contra-indications.
The dieta will be in Esbeek, on the farm of dear medicine family friends where we do a lot of medicine work. The ceremonies will be in a yurt.
This dieta is a camping experience. You can set your tent in a place where you can create some space for yourself in intimacy with nature.
There will be a few beds available in the house, for the ones who cannot (or really do not want to) camp. This will be in consultation.
We try to make this work as affordable as possible.
As always, the investment is based on a system of tiered pricing, providing the opportunity to pay according your financial situation.
The price consists of two parts, a prepayment and a rest payment. The total includes the intake, all ceremonies, all rituals, all plant medicines, all meals, et cetera. The only thing it does not include is the sleeping costs, to be paid cash directly to the keepers of the space in cash (for 12 days it is 150,- only for camping and 250,- for a room inside. NB: rooms are not recommended, and will only be given out in special situations after consultation with Yama).
1. PREPAYMENT € 555,-
The prepayment is for everyone the same. After paying this, your spot is reserved for you. This payment helps us to organise this event and do the necessary investments. The prepayment is your commitment to the dieta, and there is NO REFUND.
2. REST-PAYMENTS (according to your situation):
– REGULAR PRICE € 1144,- (total 1699,-)
– HIGHER INCOME € 1399,- (total 1954,-)
– GENEROUS SOULS € 1699,- (total 2254,-)
– PAY IT FORWARD TICKET (support someone else) € 1999,- (2554,-)
– REDUCTION PRICE € 999,- (total 1554),- *
*) reduction only for people who really cannot pay the regular price. Connect with us if you feel this category is for you. Limited tickets for this rate.
Please make a conscious choice, balancing what you bring in and take out of this work. Pay according to your income but also the value of the work and your appreciation for the impact of this work. Thank you for understanding.
You can buy your personal tickets via chipta, including tax (no invoice).
Companies who need an invoice need to pay directly to Yama’s bank account, and will receiving a personalized nota.
NB: Invoice prices are exclusive 21% VAT (BTW).
Your spot is reserved after a prepayment of 555,-
If needed, the rest-payment can be done in installments.
The process is being guided by DevaYama, who did many dieta’s in the jungle of Peru and Brazil and was trained by indigenous maestro’s, and supported by a team of people who have a lot of experience with the plant medicines. DEVA YAMA
Yama brings hidden (but not secret) ancient healing tools that (re)activate the deep yet often forgotten power within you. Tools to clear the past, release toxic emotions, open your energetic pathways, activate your sacred sensual self, bring balance into your relationships and harness your creative potential. Yama has the gift to reawaken and empower you to become aware of your intuitive voice, free your energies by connecting with the unique pure you and unlock your potent inner source for creativity, spiritual growth and transformation.
During many years the Peruvian Amazon, apprenticing with different indigenous maestros, Yama received deep insights into the healing power and ancient knowledge of the healing and transformative plant kingdom. Yama’s teachings and transmissions are based on her fully embodied experience in healing herself in different sacred traditions, lineage teachings and initiations, the most profound ones being the Kaula Heart of All, her Tantric Family, the ancient healing ways of the indigenous Paqo’s (shamans) in the Andean mountains, the Plant Maestros the jungle of the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon and the Sacred Medicine traditions in Mexico.
By overcoming several ‘incurable’ diseases, Yama deeply connected with nature and all of creation finding herself on an ancient shamanic path, having access to universal spiritual wisdom and being able to transmit these transcendental energies into this world.
Although Yama is deeply touched and impacted by several ancient traditions, her style is unmistakably her own. The seeds of these traditions were planted and nurtured in the soil of her own understanding, experiences and cultural context, allowing new forms to emerge that are appropriate for those that she is serving. Yama generously shares her practical and spiritual knowledge, and teaches you to listen to the ancient, creative messages hidden deep within your soul.
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