Welcome Cacao Lovers and Wisdom Seekers.
In the Cacao Medicine Retreat we work with the Plant Teacher CACAO in a shamanic way.
Developing a deep connection
Opening for her transmissions
Singing her songs
Mama Cacao
This retreat is not simply for you to feel into what work YOU want to do with cacao,
it’s more to tune in to how the spirit of Cacao wants to work THROUGH YOU.
Doing your daily personal inner work…?
Introducing cacao in 1-on-1 sessions…?
Guiding group work or special ceremonies with cacao…?
In what way?
To back this up, we will exchange information about different kinds of cacao, how to prepare a good Medicine, creating your own rituals, guiding a ceremony, sharing tools for holding a safe container, tuning into the group energy, holding space for processes, dealing with your own energy and feelings during the work and highlight important health notes.
We have been feeling deeply and listening to our inner guidance and truth about the program content, to what is needed right now in the field of Cacao ceremonies and the current shift in the world at large. Apart from offering powerful support and training in the realms of space holding and work with Cacao, we want to share the shamanic way of working with plant spirits – in this case with Cacao. Not only learning about Cacao, but feeling and connecting with her energy, her songs and transmissions; engaging in voice and music prayer with Cacao. Doing ceremonial work and journeying deeply with the Cacao medicine that we bring to you directly from Guatemala every day, developing your personal connection with Cacao as your Ally, Guide, Teacher and Master, for a whole new level of Cacao Ceremonies.
The Cacao Medicine Retreat is basically a 4 days shamanic ritual process of personal growth and empowerment, allowing you to fully connect to Cacao’s energy, as well as gaining information to host Cacao rituals with love and care for yourself and your participants.
Cacao ceremonies are guided in many different ways, because Cacao is a Plant Medicine that simply opens our heart and supports our efforts. Good quality ceremonial Cacao is very versatile and adaptive to what the person drinking it and working with her ultimately needs: it gently supports whatever is required in the psyche and body to be more aligned to their highest excitement and potential.
But there is so much more to learn about her, that can support you when using this medicine. In this training course, we will generously share our extensive knowledge about all the basic tools and wisdom related to the ancient Mayan Cacao rituals. We will share a unique mix of ancestral Mayan indigenous wisdom, combined with tools and tips for your own Cacao rituals, held by an empowering ceremonial framework. Both people who are experienced and people who are new to cacao, will gain a deep understanding of – and connection with Cacao as a transformative Plant Medicine. This Cacao Medicine Retreat is supported by my dear friend and Cacao specialist Shadi Henau, from Guatemala, who will be available for questions and will host small seminar segments to help you gain knowledge on Cacao’s history and the Mayan social, cultural and spiritual background.
If this resonates with you, we will be very happy to welcome you in a beautiful natural environment to journey with us in an intimate and small setting; a safe space for you to explore your own intentions, and how you can invite Cacao to help you become more engaged with life, more trusting in love, and more guided by spirit and purpose.
Thursday 25th August (12:00h) until Sunday 28th August (17:00h)
Cothen (Utrecht), The Netherlands. Location details upon registration.
For YOU, wanting to learn more about working with Plant Spirits and Sacred Cacao as a medicine, and how to create a ceremony. Both people who are experienced as well as people who are new to cacao will gain a deep understanding of- and connection with Cacao as a mild, sweet yet highly transformative & heart opening plant medicine.
Sleeping will be in shared rooms or camping, depending on your preference.
Food will be seasonal, pure, local and organic + cooked with love.
The price for the full retreat, including all rituals ceremonies, daily ceremonial cacao, other medicines, sleeping and organic meals, is a sliding scale between 777 and 888 euros.
NB: if the price is the biggest obstacle to join, let us know and we see what we can do.
We require a €222,- deposit to secure your spot, with the remaining payment to be paid at the latest 3 weeks before the retreat starts (4th of August 2022).
You can buy your tickets via this Chipta link.
“Thank you so much for sharing that passion, experience, expertise and True Wisdom, inviting us to connect deeply with the Spirit of Cacao, bringing her and ‘our own’ gifts into the world through very sacred and truthful ceremonies.”
“Ik ben zó dankbaar dat ik vorig jaar aan de Cacao Practitioner Retreat heb deelgenomen! Het was zo’n prachtige reis en verdieping in het contact met Moeder Cacao, om echt de verbinding met haar op een hele diepe laag te ervaren, contact met haar te maken. Te luisteren naar de boodschappen die ze voor mij heeft, hoe ik met haar mag werken (voor mezelf en voor anderen). Waarom zij hier op aarde is en waarom zij juist nú steeds meer verspreid mag worden: om de harten van de mensen te openen en Liefde te her-inneren! Dank jullie wel lieve Yama Voorhorst en lieve Shadi Henau , voor jullie prachtige, wijze, zuivere en liefdevolle begeleiding, de wijsheid die jullie hebben gedeeld en de sacred space waarin we samen mochten reizen. En dit jaar belooft dus nog meer verdieping in het Plant Spirit Sjamanisme en de Icaros, wow…! Ik kan de retreats van Yama van harte aanbevelen en wens iedereen die gaat deelnemen een hele mooie reis toe!”
Marleen Bosch
“Wat een ongelooflijk mooie training met 2 bijzondere leermeesters Yama Voorhorst en Shadi Henau. Ik heb het ervaren als een grote mooie ceremonie om steeds dieper te zakken in het veld en daardoor ook diep contact te kunnen maken met de spirit van moeder Cacao. Ik heb me diep kunnen open voor de Cacao als moeder en teacher. En wat kan ze je veel leren! Met alle aandacht openen om in contact te zijn met je heelheid en alle liefde die er is voor jezelf en de wereld. Dit vraagt om openen op meerdere levels maar altijd weer terug naar jouw pure kern. De impact die het op mij heeft gehad had ik niet kunnen voorspellen. Het is prachtig werk en omvat een boodschap wat ik nu in alle liefde doorgeef in ceremonies in sisterhood. Dank aan Yama en Shadi en moeder Cacao.“
Evelyn Sanders
“Vier dagen ondergedompeld in Cacao, op alle gebieden, te connecten met dit mooie plant medicijn… Met de rituelen van Yama er omheen, de kennis die Shadi deelt. De verbinding met elkaar en het zelf kunnen voelen en ook practiceren. Met muziek, meditaties, processen delen, ontspannen, zijn, proeven, dansen en vreugde & licht verspreiden. Zo dankbaar voor deze cacao training, toen nog niet wetende hoe het zou integreren. En dan opeens was het begin dit jaar tijd om zelf cacao ceremonies te faciliteren bij mij thuis en in de natuur. Ik kan de training door Shadi & Yama alleen maar aanbevelen, aho!”
Cassandra Carmio
“The Cacao retreat I did last year with Shadi and Yama has brought me so much! I feel so much more in alignment with life and with the spirit of my being. Cacao spirit… thank you for re-igniting the fire and connection with my spiritual soul. What an abundance to receive and to give… in eternity. I would like to participate again, learning more!”
Monique van der Meer