ENGLISH Here you find some in depth inspiration blogs and articles about interesting subjects that are related to my work and field of interest (in a mix of English and Dutch).
NEDERLANDS Hier vind je een serie inspiratie-blogs en artikelen over onderwerpen die verband houden met mijn werk en interessegebieden (in een mix van Engels en Nederlands).
It is time to wake up
Ernstig en zeer schadelijk, dit. De Nederlandse overheid draagt bewust bij aan projecten die ontbossing, [...]
Connecting with Plant Spirits
By exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide we are already building a very basic relationship [...]
My 2018
O my, what a year it was…! Yes, I said that last year as well [...]
The Power of Words
Words… we shape our reality with every word we speak. So be aware of [...]
Fall back into yourself
Last week we brought a beautiful, silent and easy going Tantra Ritual at the Open [...]
Decisiveness, commitment and sister medicina
Ooohw those beautiful Sister Circles! Last Thursday we came together for a Singing Medicine Circle, [...]
Gift in disguise
We grow in consciousness by shedding old skin and waking up with a raised level [...]
Ayahuasca (on)zin
“Mijn realiteit is dat Ayahuasca ongekend veel heling kan brengen en dat dit soort natuurlijke, [...]
Ayahuasca tegen stress en depressies
Het is fijn dat er na de uitzending van een populair amusementsprogramma over Ayahuasca [...]
Sacred Union
It’s high time to restore the natural balance within and outside of ourselves and create [...]
The Sacred Path
TRUST You are not meant to have it all figured out. You are not meant [...]
About brain filters and infinite wisdom
Waking up early but slowly, we felt so grateful for yesterday’s Cacao & Sound Healing [...]
Huachuma Ceremonies in Chavin de Huántar
Lose your head and enter in Heaven Last week I experienced the deepest ceremonies imaginable with [...]
My 2017
Our Medicine Plants
VISION OF DUTCH MEDICINE PLANTS Healing Plants are used all over the world in Sacred [...]
A Master Plant Dieta
In this post I will share the difference between an Ayahuasca Diet and a Master [...]
Sacred Plant Diets
What will I be doing for Christmas? I will be dieting Sacred Healing Plants in [...]
Facing Challenges
Since I am deeply connecting with the Medicine Plants I experience more health, truth and [...]
Trouwbelofte aan mezelf
Toen ik achttien jaar geleden op het punt stond om te trouwen, leek mijn suikerzoete [...]
My 2016
… was quite a year! I feel extremely grateful for the huge expansion in basically every [...]
The incurable cured
Nothing is impossible A little more about my personal story of curing the ‘incurable’ bipolar disorder [...]
Mijn Moment 2015
De Peruaanse sjamanen zongen normaal met z’n tweeën, maar deze nacht hoorde ik opeens nog [...]
Why I do what I do
I have been a victim for long. Being sexually abused as a child (which fucked [...]
Mijn Moment 2014
Mijnmoment is een initiatief wat inmiddels een prachtige traditie is geworden: elk jaar vraag Henk-Jan Winkeldermaat zijn netwerk [...]
My health story
Read or watch my personal health (success) story in short “I am Deva Yama | [...]